Untangling the Triple Play: Growth, Profit, and Sustainability Mastery

August 7, 2023
Wladimir Kossov

In today's volatile and digitized business landscape, a strategic balance between growth, profitability, and sustainability is proving to be the new currency for thriving companies. This is eloquently highlighted in a comprehensive study undertaken by McKinsey[1]. The study accentuates the often formidable task encountered by corporations when balancing these three elements. However, it also enlightens on a crucial discovery: companies that ingeniously integrate Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) priorities into their growth strategies usually outmaneuver their competition.

The Power of Three

After an extensive examination of 2,269 public companies, the study classifies those performing exceptionally in ESG scores, annual revenue growth, and economic profit as 'triple outperformers'[1]. Companies fitting this description clocked at least 10% growth in their revenues. Such an impressive performance demonstrates that the market rewards companies that merge profitable growth and sustainability leadership effectively.

Indeed, these 'triple outperformers' consistently outshone their peers in ESG implementation and outpaced them in shareholder returns. However, it's worth nothing that ESG integration alone could not save companies with weak growth and poor profitability[1]. This data underlines that ESG endeavors must yield meaningful financial performance to generate outsized returns.

Industry Perspectives

It's also intriguing to note the observed industry disparities in the correlation of shareholder returns and the improvement in ESG ratings. Some sectors, such as basic materials, advanced electronics, and the financial sector, appeared to reap greater benefits. Conversely, the high tech and retail sectors saw fewer growth dividends from their ESG-rating enhancements[1].

The Success Formula

What then, are the 'secret sauce' ingredients for these 'triple outperformers'? McKinsey highlights five guiding principles, which are evidently integrated into the DNA of these outperformers. These principles include:

  1. Embedding growth, profit, and ESG considerations into the core strategy.
  2. Innovating ESG-based offerings to their marketplaces.
  3. Exploiting strategic mergers and acquisitions to accelerate ESG growth.
  4. Transparently tracking and reporting ESG-related data[1].

Such transparency in ESG reporting and effective communication about initiatives and progress is vitally important for these corporations. Rigorous reporting in these areas helps to fast-track investor acknowledgement and appreciation of future potential. Furthermore, these companies integrate their overarching strategy into every cell of their organization, setting clear targets, making pertinent performance metrics a part of their corporate strategy, and allocating resources accordingly[1].

In Conclusion

In essence, corporations that effectively blend growth, profitability, and ESG objectives into their core strategies will have a leg up in the race for superior overall growth and shareholder returns, regardless of market downturns. While the immediate benefits of such an approach may vary across sectors, the long-term upsides appear clear across industries, as demonstrated by the sustainable success formula adopted by 'triple outperformers'.

Key Takeaways

  1. A successful balance between growth, profitability, and ESG initiatives can lead to outsized returns.
  2. ESG integration is beneficial for corporate growth but cannot counterbalance poor growth and profitability.
  3. Companies considered 'triple outperformers' consistently outperform their peers, even resisting market downturn impacts.
  4. The benefits of shareholder returns consequent to ESG-rating improvements aren't uniformly seen across all sectors.
  5. Transparent ESG data reporting can quicken investor recognition of a company's potential.
  6. The nurturing and adoption of these principles into a company’s DNA leads to outsized returns and market-leading growth.


[1] "The triple play: Growth, profit, and sustainability", McKinsey, published on 2023-08-09: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/strategy-and-corporate-finance/our-insights/the-triple-play-growth-profit-and-sustainability
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